Pennies on the Dollar: Stop the Pay Gap

Reversal of Fortune  

In Spring of 2017, President Trump called for a radical change as he signed executive bills reversing the Fair Pay and Safe Workplace order. Obama placed this legislative order in 2014. The Fair Pay and Safe Workplace order mandated that businesses had to report a step-by-step “wage statement” of their earnings to the Department of Labor. This order also raised the minimum wage and banned discrimination of gender minorities.
Businesses are claiming to be fixing the pay gap, yet their actions are not reflective of this goal. One journalist from Daily Telegraph discovered that her own company had a pay gap of 35%. Thankfully, more and more women are speaking on this issue. Sadly some must do so anonymously so they do not risk losing their jobs.
In 2014, the voices of minorities were heard. Strides were being made to decrease the wage gap between genders. More people were able to apply and receive jobs. Equality seemed to be on the rise in the business world. However, as this order was revoked in 2017, and so were businesses incentives for workplace equality and inclusion.
Since the reversal of this act, the pay gap has widened. Therefore, minority workers are increasingly struggling to get jobs. According to Glassdoor, a recruiting site, women are receiving lower wages in what should be, higher paying jobs. Men tend to obtain these higher salaries because men are more likely to be placed in higher-paying positions compared to women.
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